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Senin, 28 Januari 2013
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20 Big NO’s for a Dance Party

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Dance party, the magical place to get you on with life. It’s so much fun to be there and all of us gear up at the mention of a dance party.

So…What all happens when you go to a dance party? Dancing, eating, drinking and bitching! Who are the people most bitched about? Any guesses? The obvious answer is the people who reach the ceiling of disasters! Now don’t be scared of going to a dance party. Tag on to the following twenty no’s to be the rock star of party:

Be on guard with length: Don’t wear too short dresses to avoid that itchy look each time you are noticed.

Give a chance to others as well to communicate with the DJ. All songs of your choice will certainly freak others out.

Don’t jump like a pig on food.

It’s too bad to be a chipku. Don’t force yourself on others, be a part of a group that accepts you happily.

Letting the Freudian slip work might land you in trouble. Keep your tongue in control! Remember think before you speak.

Don’t show that you are desperate by asking someone again and again for dancing. Once is enough to make you see the mirror.

Chatting and talking is any day better than dancing like a maniac. If you don’t know how to dance indulge in other stuff rather than making a fool of yourself.

Drink sensibly. Going haywire with your senses will invite lots of negative comments.

Stay away from dark. Footing in dark corners will make you the centre of dark conversations!

Comfortable shoes. If you want to walk comfortably with beautiful clear feet next day after the party, then ensure ease for your feet in party heels.

Watch your inners. Light coloured, especially white inners will publicize your assets when florescent lights will sneak on them. You certainly don’t want it.

Carry accessories. Untied hair at times make you beast while dancing. Don’t forget to carry clips to retain that angelic charm.

Oily makeup. Face smudged with makeup will speak of the entire party’s on goings. Make it a secret and wear oil free make up for the party.

Body odour. You will be the only person dancing on the floor if you will start stinking after a couple of hours. Keep a check on your odour and use a fragrance whenever possible.

Observe the theme. Imagine everyone dressed in black and you solitary princess in pink. Oh what a nightmare! To prevent it from happening in real confirm the theme and dress accordingly.

Choose your company wisely. At a party, where there are risks every minute, be in a certified good company of friends who would help you in trouble.

Don’t be the last one to leave. The person who goes in the last takes all the blames with him. Try to leave when you notice the party being wrapped up to avoid the last minute hassles.

Avoid brawls. Think of waking up in a police station after a hard blow from someone. Obviously you don’t want this. Try to maintain calm in worse of situations.

Don’t be shy in letting out your discomfort. Your shyness might encourage wrong doers. The moment you notice some misconduct, call up for help immediately.

Control your puffs. Don’t irritate people by smoking too much. If you are too much in love with smoking then remember to look for the smoke zone!

Who said dance party is a tough place to handle? Just take care of these little things and get set go and hit the floor hard!
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